Products and Licensing

All names, logos, seals and symbols associated with the University of St. Thomas are considered trademarks and are the exclusive property of the university.

On August 1, 2021, the university began a formal licensing process that involves reviewing all usage of names, logos, seals and symbols on apparel and university-branded merchandise. University marks may not be used outside of this process. Vendors who use university trademarks in producing products and merchandise must be licensed with our agent, Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC). Vendors are required to submit the design for each item to CLC for a brand review by our Licensing Coordinator.

Licensed manufacturers pay the university a royalty fee on all products sold. Products produced by St. Thomas departments and student organizations for promotion and outreach that will not be sold will follow the review process but will not be subject to a royalty fee.

For questions, contact Katrina Coffey.

St. Thomas faculty, staff and students: Please see the University of St. Thomas Art Sheet for brand guidelines and assets.

The University has made the decision to become a licensed entity and has signed a contract with the CLC*. This decision was made to protect our logos and marks, to create uniformity and to spark a larger national presence. Licensing is very common for Universities involved in Division One athletics.

For those of you that order product with University logos and marks, your vendor will need to be licensed through the CLC. Vendors are familiar with the licensing process. From collaboration with the University, with guidance from the MIC team, and the CLC, an approved art sheet has been created that will layout the logos and marks that can be used. The vendors will have access to the art sheet once they are registered with the CLC.

Terms of Licensing

  • All vendors are charged a licensing fee* by the CLC to gain access to our approved art sheet as well as to gain authorization to produce items and for monitoring their production of logoed products for both internal use* and resale.
  • Royalty fees* are assessed to all logoed products for resale.
  • Logoed products purchased for fundraising still need to go through a licensed vendor and are assessed a lesser royalty fee.
  • All products purchased through a licensed vendor for giveaways are exempt from any royalty fees.

Licensing 101 Presentation

Click here for pdf.

The Purchaser

The process has not changed much for the purchaser.

  • Purchasers must use a licensed vendor. If your vendor needs to contact the CLC, they can do so at The Purchasing department is working with the preferred vendors to make sure they are all on board.
  • It is imperative to communicate to your vendor whether the item you are ordering is a giveaway, fundraiser or for resale.
  • Media printed goods (brochures, business cards, etc.) are currently exempt from the licensing process. This will be monitored internally. A great resource for these items is our on campus Print Shop as they have a great knowledge of our brand standards.

The Vendor

  • Vendors will complete their registration with the CLC.
  • Vendors will need to submit orders and artwork through the CLC with indication on if it is a giveaway, for a fundraiser or if it is for resale. This is all a part of the approval process.
  • Your invoice will reflect cost of goods and royalties if applicable.


  • CLC: the Collegiate Licensing Company is a leader in the licensing industry.
  • Royalty Fee: these fees apply any time a logoed product is purchased for resale; if applicable these are assessed on your invoice from your vendor.
  • Licensing Fee: the amount paid by a vendor for the right to use the logos and marks of an organization; this is a one-time yearly fee charged by the CLC.
  • Internal Use: this applies to items purchased for giveaways and fundraisers.

Licensing Fee vs. Royalty

Royalties are usage-based payments for using an asset or property. It’s generally a percentage of gross revenue or net profit. Meanwhile, a licensing fee is money paid by someone using someone’s property, but this fee is generally a fixed amount.

The Athletic shield and all other Athletics assets are for exclusive use by Athletics and cannot be used by other Schools, Colleges or Departments on campus. The only exceptions are products intended for use to support Athletics, such as spirit wear.

All names, logos, seals and symbols associated with the University of St. Thomas are considered trademarks and are the exclusive property of the university. University marks may not be used outside of this process.

If you have any questions regarding licensing, these can be directed to our on campus Licensing Coordinator Katrina Coffey.

St. Thomas faculty, staff and students: Please see the University of St. Thomas Art Sheet for brand guidelines and assets.